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Craving ice cream, facing sickness: how chilled Jigar milk cream be a better choice for you?
Say no to Ice cream, Eat Milk Cream

There are very few people who don’t like ice cream. But many people get fever after eating ice cream, especially children. Just because of this people often avoid having ice cream even though they crave it. Do you suddenly get a fever when you eat ice cream? Are you wondering why this is? Does the ice cream cause it or is there another reason in the background? How does cold Jigar ice cream inversely impact getting low chances of fever? Look through this entire blog to find the answers to these questions and quench your cravings next time you get it.



It is necessary to understand the composition of ice cream and the factors that affect respectively.


In modern times, natural and synthetic additives are added to the ice cream we consume. This alters the real texture and taste of the ice cream. It may look appealing to people, but the nutrients in it are reduced. Two of these additives are emulsifiers and stabilizers. The addition of these additives maintains the shape and texture of the ice cream to a good level.


Jigar Ice Cream uses new technologized equipment but the methodology is still traditional. Not only that, it does not make any changes to the old recipe to maintain the authenticity of jigar ice cream and therefore it does not consist of any additives to maintain the shape and texture. So, it is likely to melt very quickly and reform the crystals. Since jigar ice cream does not go through a lot of processing and the absence of stabilizers and emulsifiers, it won’t lose its nutrient value like highly processed ice cream.


Consuming ice cream does not directly induce high body temperature. However, since there is a lot of highly processed ice cream in the market with various additives, it can take much longer to digest. The effects of these ingredients on the body can be short-lived and can compromise immunity, thus exposing the system to dangerous viruses and infections. In some cases, the shock caused to the throat by consuming sharp-cold ice cream will result in short-term discomfort for humans.

What about Jigar ice cream/ milk cream?

It may surprise us all that a person won’t easily get a fever after eating jigar ice cream but what is the actual scene behind it? Jigar ice cream is easily digested because no emulsifiers and stabilizers are added to it. This causes the immune system to remain unchanged as the energy required by the immune cells is not taken up by digestion completely. By doing so, people won’t be prone to diseases easily by getting the immune system weak. But if your immune system is too weak there might be a chance of getting ill with the jigar ice cream.

Madurai famous Jigar Milk Cream


In the end, whatever the time of year, ice cream is that happiness that all of us are entitled to. By being aware of processed ice cream and how it impacts our digestion and immunity, we can make decisions that respect our bodies. Commercial ice creams often contain additives like emulsifiers and stabilizers, which can slow digestion and weaken immunity temporarily. Jigar Ice Cream, however, uses traditional methods making it easier to digest and preserving immune function up to a level. Offering a healthier option without compromising your health, the next time you crave ice cream, Jigar Ice Cream is a better and more authentic choice for you and your family.

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